Angela Bartram
Studio C6
Angela Bartram is an artist and artistic researcher working in objects, sound, video, print, performance event and published text. The work concerns thresholds of the human body, gallery or museum, definitions of the human and animal as companion species and strategies for documenting the ephemeral.
Bartram is Professor of Contemporary Art and Head of Arts Research and the Digital and Material Artistic Research Centre at the University of Derby. She is Executive Board member for the Society for Artistic Research (from 2018), CHEAD Research Alliance Strategy Group member (from 2020), and Chair of the steering group for Contemporary Visual Arts Network East Midlands. She has a PhD in Fine Art from Middlesex University.

Recent exhibitions include: Documents, Alternatives #4, online self-curating exhibition (curator and exhibitor, 2020); Antonym: Life With or Without Animals, Artcore, Derby (curator and exhibitor of online exhibition, 2020); Manchester International Festival (2019); Karst, Plymouth (2016); Hillyer Art Space, Washington (2016), Miami International Performance Festival (2014, 2013), and Grace Exhibition Space, New York (2014, 2012). Publications include: Co-edited book Recto-Verso: Redefining the Sketchbook, and the special guest edited volume The Alternative Document: Studies in Theatre and Performance.