Thank you for your interest in Primary and joining our resident community.
We are not currently accepting studio applications.
We will share an open call for applications on the occasion that a studio at Primary becomes available.
Primary offers a number of high-quality, affordable studios and workshops. We’re home to artists, makers, and creatives at all stages in their careers, working across all media. Our spaces are secure, with shared facilities, and our resident artists have 24/7 access to the site.
Individual spaces have different characteristics and range in size from 10 - 90 square metres and can be single or shared occupancy. Rent varies according to each space (from £54-£450 per month) and includes utilities (heating, electricity & Wi-Fi).
Artist Development at Primary
Primary provides artist development provision for our residents and members that actively and strategically supports artistic and professional development through activity, platforms and paid opportunities.
Artist Development at Primary aims to meet the needs of its 60+ resident and member community which includes artists, makers, musicians, curators, and creatives at all stages in their careers, working across all media. We strive to create the conditions to foster a supportive studio culture.

If you have any access requirements or want to request more information, please contact