Hiring a space at Primary
We have a range of spaces available for hire suitable for private events, including meetings, talks, and workshops.
Spaces available for hire include our galleries, mezzanine, meeting room and outdoor area. Access to Primary is step-free via our new main entrance on Seely Road. From here there is level access to our playground, ground floor gallery space, mezzanine, kitchen and public toilets as well as independent businesses Small Food Bakery and Beam.
There is no step-free access to our first floor gallery space or meeting room. For more information on access and facilities see our Visit page or email admin@weareprimary.org.
At Primary, we understand that each event is unique. As a working building with resident artists enjoying 24/7 access to their studios and communal facilities, we encourage you to consider the dynamic atmosphere of our shared space when planning your event.
To accommodate Primary’s public programme availability of our spaces is often limited, so please enquire about a hire as far in advance of your event as possible.
Space hire at Primary, where creativity meets versatility. Contact us today!
Alternatively you can download .docx versions of our Space Hire Fees and Terms & Conditions documents. Please contact admin@weareprimary.org with enquires.

Public Programme Proposals
Primary’s public programme launched in 2014, focussed on commissioning new work and supporting collaboration and co-production. We set out to value and present different forms of art-making alongside each other, programming a rich array of visual art, performance, writing, film, socially engaged practice and publicly situated art as different expressions of contemporary art.
Primary welcomes proposals from creatives looking to develop and deliver activity as part of our public programme. Please download the outline document and read through the information provided carefully ahead of submitting a proposal.
Please contact colette@weareprimary.org with enquiries or to request information in a different format.