El Morgan
El Morgan is an artist and writer working with video, sculpture, printmaking and drawing to explore our entanglement with other species. This has included serenading a spider, making a diamond from the dead creatures of the River Thames, and embracing a giant green sea anemone. Her illustrated book Gossamer Days: Spiders, Humans and Their Threads (Strange Attractor/MIT press, 2016) examines the history of the human uses of spider silk, from gun sights to sticky tunics via acoustic lures and royal underwear. It was selected by The Guardian as one of their favourite books of the year.
In addition to her individual practice, she works with other artists, museum curators, scientists and engineers to create site-specific works. She is also a member of the collaborative print group, Printers’ Symphony, who can be found walking across England with their portable print studios (converted army bags) on their backs, printing up a tree, by the beach, and rubbing the Bank of England.

Eleanor Morgan has received funding from the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese foundation, the Leverhulme Trust, the Royal Institute of British Architects and the Arts and Humanities Research Council. Recent exhibitions and performances include: Mycorrhiza and Extancy, AMP Gallery (2020); Print Dept., Division of Labour (2017); Life of Clay, RIBA London (2016); Jerwood Drawing prize, Jerwood Space (2016); Glass Delusions, Grant Museum of Zoology (2015) and A labour of Moles, DOCUMENTA 13 (2012). She received her PhD from the Slade School of Art in 2013.