Marek Tobolewski
Studio C4
Marek Tobolewski deals within both the formal process of abstraction in painting today and its historical continuity. His recent work in the Continuum series has been concerned with symmetry and reflection. Rotating and mirroring linear forms, layering surfaces of pure colour and exposing under-painting through negative lines. A constant across all Tobolewski’s work is the arc of a circle, albeit in a state of perpetual evolution and a preoccupation with the endless reinvention of compositions. He continually returns to existing works, adjusting structures and refining each individual flow of a line in an attempt to reveal balance within movement.

Recipient of several awards notably the Pollock-Krasner Foundation awarded to artists with established ability, Tobolewski’s work is held in private and permanent public collections and commissioned widely. Notably the 5 metre triptych at UoN’s Music Recital Hall, during his artist in residence at the D.H.Lawrence Pavilion. A 60-page Catalogue was published to accompany his solo "Continuum in Symmetry" at Djanogly Art Gallery, Lakeside Arts Centre, Nottingham.
"… close to the kind of spaced-out geometric mannerisms that, in a less sensitive artist, would betray a paperback misreading of the cosmic implications of chaos theory. Yet his is a rare skill in being able to make such references at the same time as imbuing every one of his swirling lines with a highly personal lyrical grace. This is art that comes over all joyous although it has obviously been achieved through sustained reflective struggle.” – Pick of the week - Robert Clark, Guardian