Simon Raven | A(st)udio Residency Update

Artist-in-residence Simon Raven joined us at Primary in early 2023 for the second round of the A(st)udio Residency series. The programme supports artists working with sound / audio & musicians who are working class or from lower socio-economic backgrounds and currently based in Nottingham or Nottinghamshire.

Below Simon has shared an overview of his practice, what he’ll be working on during his residency and how he’s finding the experience!

The open call for the third and final A(st)udio Residency is now live, click here for details, deadline Thursday 23 March, 11pm.

My practice in performance and other media is informed by lived experience of bi-polar 2, characterised by extreme and often seasonal mood swings. I try to combine a surrealist sensibility with disability 'crip' humour to explore links between bipolar states and artistic temperament; a connection that can be seen in the disproportionately high number of artists and writers diagnosed with the condition. My aim is to make humorous work that might raise awareness of mental illness, a relatively unsexy discourse next to 'mental health', whilst also grounding my activity in disability as a social issue. I've often worked in collaboration, including with Aaron Williamson and Katherine Araniello (15mmFilms, Disabled Avant Garde). I have curated music and performance events including at Nottingham Contemporary and Wollaton Hall.

During the a/residency at Primary I've been experimenting in the studio towards making an album that reimagines Brian Eno's classic 'Music for Airports' for the budget airline experience. I'm trying to channel a bipolar 'flight of ideas' (when I'm prolific but struggling to focus) into quickly recorded songs which relate to experience of soaring one minute and feeling grounded the next. My activity has been generously supported by a bursary from a-n, the artist's information company.

I'm enjoying being part of the artist studio community at Primary and have felt supported in my efforts. I've eaten my share of food from the Small Food Bakery, drunk coffee from Beam and attended a Rammel Club event. I'll make links available to listen/watch music I've made during the residency towards the end of my stay.