Freelance Opportunity | We’re looking for a Socially Engaged Photographer!
We are seeking a lead artist/photographer who is committed to working through socially engaged methodologies to empower people to create visual images around the theme of food justice, as part of Off Centre Photography Festival.
Nourishment Round Table Meal and Conversation. Photo: Adam Grainger
Off Centre Photography Festival, Himmah and Primary
Picturing Food Justice
Off Centre Photography Festival, Himmah and Primary are working to address issues around food justice, particularly in Nottingham’s NG7 postcode area. Food justice is a holistic way to view the broader structures which affect people’s access to the food system. It begins on the basis that healthy food as a human right and the need to address the structural barriers to that right. Working class, and particularly Global Majority* are often the most severely impacted by hunger, poor food access, diet-related illness, and other problems with the food system. By thinking about food justice, we not only work to improve access to healthy food for all, but we also examine the structural roots of these disparities; racial and economic justice are therefore important interconnected issues that we address.
Despite the growing presence of food injustice across the country, the visual representation of these issues has been slow. On this project we will be working with local people who may have experienced food injustice and think about how to consider local peoples voices, experiences, and ideas visually. Through a series of workshops, participants will learn photography skills, to produce visual images of their ideas. They will have the opportunity to show their work as part of the Off Centre Photography Festival.
What we are looking for
We are seeking a lead artist/photographer who is committed to working through socially engaged methodologies to empower people to create visual images. The selected person will demonstrate:
• Some existing experience of working with people from working class communities and/or people of colour, and an interest in food injustice.
• A commitment to amplifying and forefront people's voices and ideas
• An understanding of the issues around care and wellbeing when working people from different communities.
• Willingness to work collaboratively as part of a team to deliver this project.
The Lead Artist/Photographer will be developing and delivering approx. 10 workshops from May-July 2022: including designing activities, sourcing materials, setting up sessions - with support from the rest of the team.
The workshops will take place in Radford and are a creative space to assist people to think about the issues, how it relates to their lived experienced, and make quality visual images for an exhibition. The selected Artist/Photographer will be assisted by the Off Centre team and Primary, with an advisory role from Himmah.
We positively encourage people from Black and Global Majority backgrounds and those from working class backgrounds to apply for this opportunity as they are underrepresented within arts jobs. We encourage applicants from the local area, who have an existing relationship with the community.
8 April: Deadline for Expression of Interest.
Week beginning 11 April: Selection confirmed, feedback to applicants.
Week beginning 18 April: Planning meeting with lead artist and Project Team
May: Start workshops - dates TBC with selected artist
£2200 (11 days @ 200p/d): planning and delivery of 10 workshop sessions;
attendance of 1x mentoring sessions; evaluation and future planning meeting.
Additional budget is available for any access needs, please let us know what would be required.
Additional budget is available for materials for the workshops.
To Apply:
Please send an Expression of Interest (no more than 1 page A4) and completed Equal Opportunities Form to by 5pm, Friday 8 April. If you’d prefer to share your Expression of Interest by video or audio, please send a file no more that 3 minutes long. Please tell us:
• Why you are interested in the project.
• Any relevant experience, please include links if relevant.
Additionally, you can also include a CV but this is not a requirement.
If you have any questions or would like this information in another format, please contact
About Off Centre
The Nottingham Centre for Photography and Social Engagement is a social enterprise working across the Midlands. We provide accessible facilities and support for photographers, and a platform for individuals and communities to develop creative photographic work and engage with one another. We run an annual Photography Festival across 10 different venues in Nottingham, showcasing work by over 100 different photographers from a range of different backgrounds, photography genres and exploring a broad range of different theme.
About Primary
Primary is an artist-led contemporary visual arts organisation based in Nottingham. Primary supports artistic research, provides studios and development to artists, and runs a free public programme of exhibitions and events. Through our programme we aim to expand our thinking around research and production, and apply a form of ‘collective learning’ to Primary – working together with users of the organisation (staff, artists, participants and audiences) to critically reflect on our practices, and inform what we do in the future. Since 2020 we have supported a Pay-it-Forward scheme to redistribute resources - providing fresh ingredients to local groups addressing food injustice. In 2021, we launched ‘Nourishment: a cyclical programme’ a long-term programme that delves into food justice, nourishment, growing and sustainable food systems.
About Himmah
Himmah is a grass roots community-based initiative tackling poverty, mental wellbeing, racism and social exclusion in Nottingham. We do this through direct service provision, campaigning, arts, and education work always in collaboration with individuals, communities and organisations.
How the three organisations will be involved:
Primary will support the delivery of the project through admin, marketing and coordination. Rebecca Beinart (Engagement Curator) will support with project planning, safeguarding, and artist development.
Off Centre will support with the planning and delivery of workshops, providing photography equipment and technical support. Jagdish Patel (Off Centre, Photographer) can offer mentoring and advice for the selected artist.
Himmah will support the workshops through outreach, food provision and sign-posting for participants. They will have an advisory role throughout the project and share information and resources on food and social justice.
*We recognise that no one phrase can encompass the lived experiences of people from different diasporas and diverse cultures and heritages. We welcome applicants to use their own language and terms to describe their experiences, communities, and identities.
This opportunity is supported by Real Creative Futures and Primary.
Real Creative Futures – Digital, part of the Big House programme is part of the Creative and Digital Industries D2N2 Consortium for Increased SME Competitiveness. Providing support for business growth to the creative and digital industries sector. It is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund