Making From Home

Since lockdown has limited the events and activities we can do at Primary, we’ve been exploring new ways to share resources and creativity with our local community. Making From Home is a series of inspiring activities, created by artists, for you to try at home. On this page you’ll find instructions, templates, and videos to help you make painted sculptures, colourful masks, collages exploring black identity, and rubbings from objects around your house.
We’ve also developed art packs which have been sent out to local groups, with materials and instructions included. We have a limited number of these still available for local groups, so please get in touch with if you’d like to request these.
We hope our Making From Home activities will inspire kids and adults of all ages to experiment and enjoy!
For more creative ideas, resources and activities please visit ChalleNGe Nottingham and My Black Identity.
Collaborative Mail Art with Sophie Mackfall
Mask Making (Plant Superheroes) with Chiara Dellerba
Nott Frott with Chris Lewis-Jones
Here, There & In Between Collage with Angela Wathoni and Raisa McClarey Francis
The Making From Home programme is supported by Paul Hamlyn Foundation, with thanks to all the groups we’ve worked with so far: Mellers Primary School, Mojatu, Fearless Youth Association, Nottinghamshire Clubs for Young People, and Radford Care Group.