Making Place Exhibition
EXHIBITION: 21 May - 10 July 2021
OPENING TIMES: Friday - Saturday, 11am-6pm, or by appointment
Please click here to read our health and safety information regarding COVID-19
This expansive and celebratory exhibition marks three years of Making Place, our long-term community programme looking at how we learn from the city and how we use public space. Explore images, objects, sound, and video from across the Making Place programme, join us as we celebrate, share, and reflect on past projects, and take part in events to generate ideas for the future.
Through mapping, making, workshops, storytelling, walks, design, play, and public artworks, the Making Place programme explores three central questions: What do places inherit, and whose histories are preserved? Who imagines the city? And how can communities interrupt, activate and re-imagine public space?

Making Place critically engages with ideas and practices of city planning, regeneration, gentrification and 'place-making'. Over the past three years, we’ve invited local residents in Radford and Lenton to take part in a series of collaborative projects, working with artists and designers to explore issues that shape our local neighbourhoods. Alongside these projects, we’ve organised an ongoing series of events to create space for sharing knowledge and exploring themes of power, inequality, imagination, and commons in the city.
The Making Place programme is ever-evolving and does not attempt to offer a ‘survey’ of the locality. Each project has explored a specific place or question through a collaborative process, and each process has generated new relationships and ideas that have informed other projects. We want to build on this collaborative approach, so the exhibition opens up space for your feedback and ideas.
As we begin to collectively emerge from the pandemic, questions about how we imagine shared spaces and who can shape the future of neighbourhoods take on even more significance. We look forward to welcoming you back to Primary, creating a safe environment for imaginative, creative work, and facilitating inclusive spaces to rebuild community.
The Making Place programme is supported by Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, National Lottery Community Fund, Castle Cavendish, Nottingham City Council, the Windrush Day Grant, Nottingham City Homes, Near Now, and Near Neighbours.
With contributions from: Audrey Leach, Bahbak Hashemi-Nezhad, Ben Harriott, Chiara Dellerba, Crocus Café, Dallas Simpson, Edna G Olds Academy, Effy Harle, Finbar Prior, Frank Abbott, Georgina Barney, Gina Mollett, Imran Riaz, Jagdish Patel, Jo Wheeler, Lenton Residents, Maraa, Mellers Primary School, Mill Allotments, Nottingham Black Archive, Nottinghamshire Clubs for Young People, Radford and Lenton Library, Rachel Jacobs, Raisa McClarey Francis, Rebecca Lee, Sam Metz, Soul Food Café, Tom Harris, Vanley Burke, and more as the project grows.
We’re currently only able to provide level access to the project space and studios on our ground floor. This exhibition is split across our ground floor and mezzanine space.