Materials Store | From The Ground Up
Photo by Tom Morley
Within the backdrop of climate and ecological emergency, this project has come about through the necessity to be more environmentally responsible. The Materials Store provides a space to facilitate material reuse, reducing the disposal of materials after their initial use has expired.
Art production and exhibition-making are contributing factors to the ecological crises, and as such, both require rapid transformation. Designed by Primary residents Will Harvey and Jacob Kelly, the structure aims to employ circular economic thinking as a model that is restorative and regenerative by design, through shifting perspectives on waste thus reducing pollution by keeping products and materials in use.
The structure is split into three bays. The first bay is for storing Primary’s equipment and materials. The other two will be used for residents to store, reprocess and remake materials, keeping them in use.
As you can see this is still a work in progress, we are almost there, but we do need more help from generous donors to take this store to the next level. We would like to see it fully fitted out with decent tools for reprocessing and a good workbench for residents, members and the public to use in order that we might bring about a better material culture in Nottingham and beyond!
The Materials Store could not have got this far without our core funders, builders, volunteers and all those who have encouraged us to keep going with this project - you know who you are - we are hugely grateful for your support!