Image by Emilie Nunn
Where: Online, via zoom
Booking: Booking required
Led by artist and arts worker, Daniel Sean Kelly, this workshop session will focus on grant applications for visual art projects, and consider how we can use storytelling strategies to improve our chances of success. We will look at how stories are told, consider how to hold a reader's attention, and think about what needs to happen for someone to say yes to your project. We will bring in concepts from behavioural economics, marketing strategy and sales techniques to inform our approach to funding bid-writing.
Daniel Sean Kelly is an artist and arts worker based in Leicester. He leads the fundraising and development activity at Two Queens, an artist-run gallery and studios based in Leicester, including ongoing work to help the organisation buy their building. Daniel has a wealth of experience supporting individual artists and small organisations in applying for grant funding, and also works as a Fine Art lecturer on courses in the East Midlands.
Access: This session will be held on Zoom. will be active for anyone wishing to use live transcript or closed captions functions. Please get in touch with for any other access needs in advance.
Please read our Online Events Code of Conduct here.
This event will be recorded.
Kaleidoscope Network:
This is a private event for current members of the Primary/ Kaleidoscope
The Kaleidoscope Network is a collaboration between Spike Island (Bristol), Eastside Projects(Birmingham), Primary (Nottingham), The NewBridge Project (Newcastle) and and Bloc Projects(Sheffield). Formed in response to a need for mutual support, the network has come together as a way to share resources, increase what each partner is able to offer and create new connections between communities of artists. It also offers professional development for the associated partners learning from one another. Membership to any of the above organisations automatically makes you part of the Kaleidoscope Network.
Primary residentsand members are automatically part of the Kaleidoscope Network and can attend selected events programmed by each partner for free.