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Work in Common | Jaseen Kaur: The tending of something

Join artist Jasleen Kaur to cook, share, listen and eat together. Please bring along something to share that you consider to have ‘cultural value’; it may describe your cultural identity or link to your personal histories in some way. This could be anything from an object, piece of text, film, image or a favourite song or prayer.


Raymond Williams talks about the early uses of the word Culture as “a noun of process: the tending of something, basically crops or animals” suggesting that culture is something we do, not look at though glass museum cabinets or from the upper stalls of a theatre. My culture is nourishing, I digest it.

Where does culture lie?
Who is a cultural producer?
Who decides what culture is/is not?

Jasleen Kaur (b.1986) is an artist currently living and working in London. Brought up in a traditional Sikh household in Glasgow, her work is an ongoing exploration into the malleability of culture and the layering of social histories within the material and immaterial things that surround us. Her practice examines the hierarchy of histories and labour using a range of mediums and methods including sculpture, video, conversation and cooking.

During the residency at Primary, she will be developing a new body of work for upcoming shows at Hollybush Gardens and Market Gallery, Glasgow which combines large-scale sculpture and sound, interrogating the construction, (mis)formation of a race and bodies, epigenetic inheritance, survival and resistance.