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Jennifer Martin | TEETH: Love Letters in the Age of Tinder

Workshop: 10am-1pm
Reading group: 2pm-4pm

A two-session, all day, interactive writing workshop and reading group, discussing the contemporary dynamics of relationships in an age of character counts and government regulations on ‘immigrant love’.

The first session will explore how articulations of love have adapted and evolved over time in the presence of contemporary dating platforms and modern forms of communication. Participants are invited to bring one love letter or ‘artifact’ of love, eventually prompting them to write a love letter that speaks to an awareness of their position as someone receiving and giving love, and the restrictions that may or may not apply to this exchange.

Register for the workshop via Eventbrite here

The second session will discuss readings from What’s Love (or Care, Intimacy, Affection) Got to Do with It?, a book that the artist has used for research and as a generator for writing. Published by e-flux journal and Sternberg Press, What’s Love (or Care, Intimacy, Affection) Got to Do with It? encompasses a collection of essays that consider love, care, and other acts of labour. The essays range from considerations on artistic practice to relationships, and often reflect on the state of love in our neoliberal society.

Register for the reading group via Eventbrite here

Later Event: November 20
Tell Me Something I Don't Know