Photo by Queer as Funghi
DATE : Saturday 19th of November
TIME : 2PM - 6PM
LOCATION : Primary
Come and walk in the woods with other LGBTIQ+ people aged 18-25, learning about mushrooms and plants with forager Susy.
We will discuss queer ecologies, puff puffballs and admire slime moulds! After the walk in the woods, we will discuss how funghi queer nature, and creatively explore how we can build more joyful communities with their help.
We will meet at Primary and travel over to Wollaton park, after the walk and discussion we will head back to Primary for pizza prepared by Kim at Small Food Bakery.
Susy (they/them) runs Queer As Funghi leading foraging walks and creative workshops for trans, queer and intersex people. They are interested in how our relationship with nature can be a symbiotic one, and how it intersects with community care and mental health. They work as a gardener and an art therapist, as well as continually growing, identifying and learning about mushrooms and plants.
This event, all transport and food is free of charge. To book or for any further information email
Photo by Queer as Funghi
This event is part of the wider project Nourishment click here for information about other events and commissions within this project.