Build Create Play

Photo: Ismail Khokon
Build Create Play is a project working with local families and young people around Ronald Street Playground in Radford. The playground is located over the road from Primary and is currently a neglected space with old play equipment. Nottingham City Council are planning to upgrade the playground, and this project aims to bring local people’s voices and ideas in to shape how this space is developed.
An initial phase of the project took place in 2019, with artist Gina Mollett leading a series of experimental play sessions with local children on the playground. Throughout August 2021, we ran a series of workshops with artist Charlotte Tupper and play workers from the Toy Library to work with local people and explore materials, shapes and colours that spark children’s imaginations. These sessions provided play provision through the summer holidays, and helped us to understand how children currently use the playground and imagine ways it could be improved in the future.
The project has continued through 2021-22 with more creative play sessions on the playground, with Charlotte Tupper and Ismail Khokon, collaborating with play workers from the Toy Library. Look out for updates on free activities taking place on Ronald Street Playground and news on the development of the site!
Photos: Freddy Griffiths
A blog by Charlotte Tupper reflecting on the Build Create Play programme on Ronald Street Playground, Summer 2021
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