Primary, Black Cultural Archives, and Nottingham Black Archive invites African Caribbean people from Nottingham and London to come together and share their personal archives. This gathering is a space for you to connect as a community across generations. We particularly encourage elders and young people to attend, however, all are welcome!
Join us for a meal and to bring with you, your own personal archival materials, which could include photographs, books, memorabilia, records, household objects, and heirlooms. Materials might spark conversations about the importance of collecting, preserving, and celebrating the histories of the Windrush Generation and their descendants.
If you wish to donate your archive materials we welcome contributes to the Nottingham Black Archive. Panya Banjoko, Learning, Engagement and Collections Manager at Nottingham Black Archive will join us and speak about this important resource.
A buffet of Jamaican food served between 1pm and 2pm. Please arrive early to avoid disappointment.
Limited places are available, please book here.
By attending this event you agree to adhere to our ‘Safer Spaces Policy’. You can read our Safer Spaces Policy here.
We regret that we are unable to provide level access to Project Space 2, the room where this event will take place.
This event is free and accompanies the exhibition Attention, Absorption by British Guyanese artist Maybelle Peters in Project Space 1, located on our ground floor.
If you have any dietary requirements, access needs, or questions or you are experiencing financial barriers in accessing this event and would like to attend, please email
Portrait by Vanley Burke