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Melanie Jackson: In conversation with Bianca Stoppani

A conversation between Melanie Jackson and Bianca Stoppani, drawing upon some of the most relevant issues in Melanie Jackson’s research, with the aim of interrogating the effects of biotechnologies modulating and commodifying bodily matters.


Milk will be explored as a natural technology co-opted by what Jackson has called contemporary “industrial metaphysics” and its myth-making practice. When life (and, conterminously, death) is administered and regulated on an economic basis, it becomes necessary to unpack the products of this regime of consumption and re-production, and turn its paradigmatic pyramid upside down.

This event coincides with Melanie Jackson’s Billboard, Glug, as part of In Another Place - a collaboration between the Contemporary Visual Arts Network East Midland and ten venues in the region, bringing new art to new audiences.